Monday, May 3, 2010

Whats wrong with me?

I keep hearing the same questions from woman of my age. They ask "what’s wrong with me?" They seem to be feeling like it’s there fault because the men they date are assholes. And maybe it is there fault. But I don't think they’re the only ones to blame. I think men just don't care about women. They don't have respect for women, and women of my generation seem afraid to ask for it. It seems like they feel like its asking for it is just too much. "He'll think I'm crazy if when he calls me I tell him to get lost because I haven't heard from him in 2 days." So they listen to his lame ass excuse. Unless you where in a fucking coma or lost your tongue. You better find a fucking way to get in touch with me.

I on the other hand leave at the first sign of no or little respect. I'm not sure if this works. But I honestly lose interest in a man if I feel like they aren't giving me enough. If a man doesn't live up to the expectations I have of him it's over. I don't want to talk about it. If you think we should talk you better be saying you’re sorry, because I don't care about your side of the story. I'm not unreasonable just realistic. I know myself and I need a lot of attention. If you don't talk to me for a few days I may be hanging out with someone else. Now this doesn't mean I'm sleeping with them, but it doesn’t mean that I won't later leave you for him. If I have to get my attention form some place else I will. No hard feelings it just didn't work out. If I don't feel like you are making an effort than I will stop putting an effort in. And it's over. No going back. I don't think we need to talk about it. What is there to talk about? How you miss me and love me. Well if you missed me so dame much you should have fuck'in called in the first place. If you had respect for me you wouldn't have acted in that manor and if you made a mistake than you should have apologized.

I have lost patience with men, and I'm fine on my own. If it's not love and I'm not feeling it I don't need it. Everything else is trouble.

Women, I don't know if there is anything wrong with us, but I do know that there is definitely something wrong with them.

Look Man, I'm a woman and your girlfriend. Not one of your buddies. Not your mom. Not your parole officer. Remember I don't have to do anything for you and I don't owe you anything. Every thing I do is out of the kindness of my heart and I can take it away at anytime. I will protect myself. You need to understand that and respect it. If you don't like it... well, fuck you there's more where you came from.

P.S. I'm really not a bitch. I just don't like to play games.



  1. Wow. You forgot to include your famed line. Chivalry is dead and women killed it. I like the first and the last paragraphs, the second makes me think it might be you jeje. But I am glad that you said maybe it is their fault too. Women are just as crazy as men they just are more emotionally and communicatively aggressive on a generalized scale which makes them seem like they care more, but what they care about isn't always the man. What they care about are their own ideals they built up in their head of what this man is supposed to do or what this relationship is supposed to look like. Yes men have been told that they are supposed to emotionally unavailable and look at women as forces of nature something to hope you can predict and control but when you can't watch out there she blows, so they haven't developed that part of their selves. We are now stuck in these male/female roles, which yes men and women have physiological differences which do make them different, but people in general do as well so it forces most into boxes which they feel comfortable enough in because if you've been manipulated into a position which can be comfortable do to natural inclinations then it doesn't feel so awkward. But, if you have strong physiological or just psychological that urges do not fit into the prescribed behavior that people feel is the glue that holds it all in place then you remain in the fringes in society. They tell mothers to continue their overbearing actions. They reinforce male promiscuity. They tell a woman to be meek and that housework and keeping things neat is their job. They force men and women into long term promise mergers which usually end up disastrous. But somehow we called this human nature. I don't play games either. I don't even consider it a game. It is hard to find someone out there that is beside playing gender roles and sees how we are all pushed to do certain things that aren't us. To witness the pressures of life without feeling their weight. If we all weren't so concerned with defining and limiting things then we could just be them and do them. One of the problems with relationships is just that and that is why one person usually is more into another or it appears that way.

  2. The one who builds castles in their head is the one who is going to be hurt more if the relationship ends because they have invested so much mental space to having that other person in their life. Their partner may have strong feelings, but they aren't obsessed and can keep it moving in their mind and aren't stuck in the past always dissecting things and dwelling, so they appear not to care but they may have cared more. Some of us are here and some of us want to be there. All of these are factors as to why men and women can't forge longterm commitments. It's all of us. That's why I don't bother unless I really feel something and try not to participate in the civilized way every goes about raping eachother with alcohol being the accomplice. But we crave sex and this causes us to do unhealthy things to get it because we have such a stigma on true sexual freedom. Sex has a subjugating currency with a violent undertone. I say violent because look at the terms used to describe sex, hit that, smash that, bang, nail...also look at how in porn it isn't unusual to see people spitting on each other slapping in the face cumming on women's faces. A girl I met had a one night stand with a guy and he asked if he could cum on her face. She said she didn't let him. Women also fail to see the best guys standing in front of them because of issues in their minds as well, with height and weight and things like that. I know it does seem like plenty of unattractive people date attractive people, but to have a fetish or a type is a sign that someone isn't conscious enough to remove those layers and see people's cores. Certain character flaw should be dealbreakers but I won't date someone shorter than me, while a personal choice, is dumb. People will look at us how will it be when we kiss? There goes a whole portion of great men that you now don't see for being that because of some insecurity. But we call this preference. Women turn away guys because they are friends and so aren't attracted to them or something like that. They tell men no ten times and then tell them yes eventually. This guy beat me down to saying yes or stuck around for so long that I said yes. She has then robbed herself of choosing someone. She has then made this stalkerish persistence that some men use to get women acceptable. When the chase is that great what is going to make the guy not want to go out and do it again. The thrill is in the chase. That is why everyone should be on birth control and be as easy as they want. The system isn't designed to create long lasting relationships, but children, that can live til two because that is about the time the pheromones stop working so hard and the euphoria associated with that person dissipates and people are more likely to see the faults and leave. So anyway it is you, but it's us too.

  3. I feel (speaking for women in general) that Physical attraction is only 30% if not less. I feel a lot of attrition has to do with confidence. The appearance of being fearless, and having it all figured out. The honest truth is now one has it all figured out and if they think they do they are usually an ASSHOLE!
