Thursday, May 13, 2010

I love my animals but I might have to eat them.

Warning the fallowing may upset the average animal lover.

The Chinese culture eats dogs and cats. I'm pretty sure they don't taste that good. Other wise American’s would have found a way to make it socially expectable. You know how we love our food. Chinese food really isn't that good anyway. Real authentic Chinese food is bland and slimy. The American fusion Chinese food that we get at the local takeaway, that's a whole different story. That Chinese’s is pretty good. If you fried up some cat and slathered it in General Taos sauce, I bet it would taste pretty fuck’in good. (I do love me some General Tao). If I ever make my way to china I think I might have to try a little dog or cat. I mean really, what makes a cat or dog any different than a pig or cow. I really don't have the right to criticize. You have to remember it’s not like their eating someone’s pet it’s just some anonymous animal. Just like that burger you ate the other day was some anonymous cow. I seriously doubt that in china people are dognapping people’s pets for black market gourmet meals. But then again, you never know.

Now under most circumstances I wouldn’t eat a pet, especially not my own, but there is a time and reason for everything. One circumstance that I feel it is completely valid to eat your cuddly bunny or cute little schnauzer is during the apocalypse. When the apocalypse happens the pet owners of the world will be set. Everyone else will run out of food and we will have our dogs and kitties for reserves. Fresh meat well raised, lean, it’s like free range chicken. All these health nuts that grow there own veggies and shit would love it. They would know everything about there food from the time it was born. I bet it’s better for you than most store bought meats anyway. I’m planning on stocking up on Hoisin sauce just in case. I can see it becoming the next big heath craze.

“Know your meat! Buy your very own baby bunny today.”
“It’s 10pm did you know where your meat for dinner came from?”
“For good strong joints and bones choose Labrador they get a long with the kids and are big enough to feed the whole family.”

I love my Bella, she is a great dog. We cuddle every night together and watch T.V. She is like a child to me. I love her more that most humans I meet. But when the apocalypse comes and I'm out of food you know I might just have to eat her. Honestly, I think she would understand. I know she would definitely eat me if roles were reversed.

For: Bella, I love you my little roast piglet.


  1. Nice. This is the stand I take as well. I would have tried the guinea pig in S. America.

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  3. Gahiji, I'm glad you are enjoying my blog!
