Monday, May 17, 2010

Ewww Yuck… but your kinda cute.

For some strange reason for centuries humans have gotten shits and giggles out of breeding animals to look as fucked up as possible. Example: the Persian cat. The Persian cat has been breed so its face is so flat it can hardly breathe, and its hair is so long that it can’t take care of its own grooming. So what you end up with is a spit snorting matted hair ball. They may be cute but grooming cost and vet bills will leave you broke.

You have to feel bad for little things those big bulging eyes looking at you as the continuously gasp for breath. They seem to be saying: “You did this to me, and now you have to pay. Clean my litter box. Take me to the groomer. My eyes are runny I need a vet appointment. What is that just dry food? Oh no that just won’t do. I will sit here and stare at you until all my demands are met. Now get to work pathetic human.”

Cats aren’t the only animal’s bread to mutation. This is also done with dogs For example: Pugs, greyhounds, shitzus, english bulldogs, and so much more.

I’m currently living with 3 of these deformed animals.

One hyper active pug with a smashed in face that can’t breath and spits on everything it comes in contact with.

A lazy spoiled greyhound with translucent skin that thinks it has the right to ask me to move out of my seat on the couch to make room for her.

And last but certainly not least a Persian. One of the dirtiest cats I have ever met. She always has something stuck under her chin, goop around her eyes and her little paws are always gray with dirt no matter how often you clean her.

Despite there deformaties and there personality disorders I think they are sweet and I love them. I’m not sure why. It’s like they have put some sort of spell on me that makes me give in to all their demands. I feed them, pick up their shit, take them for walks let them (all of them) sleep in my bed. It insane! They have some deformed animal powers that cause you to go:

“Aww, its ok. Here have the rest of my sandwich I wasn’t that hungry anymore anyway. You look like you need it more than me I can see your ribs, and your pointy nose did already touch the crust.”

“Oh it’s o.k. . . You can have that pillow I will use my rolled up pajama pants insted. Your eye goop is all over it and I will have to wash it yet again anyway.”

“No really paint on the walls is overrated. Go ahead and scratch at the wall until we can figure out what it is that you want. don't worry about trying to comunicate your needs in a less distructive way”

For: Bella (the pug) Daisy (the Persian) and Ember (The greyhound)
Thank you for keeping my days packed with hours of amusement and love.

1 comment:

  1. You know how I feel about animals that are breed to the point where they can't fend for themselves in nature anymore.
