Friday, April 30, 2010

I don't like you.

I don't like you, yeah you.
In fact I might even go as far as to say I hate you. You are the one that gives a bad name to the rest of us. I hate to think someone groups us together as one.
Don't label me.

Just because I might like the same music, live in the same town or have the same ethnic background as that prick over there. It doesn’t mean I'm anything like him or her.

I understand generalizations are hard not to make but please don't live by them. If you think I'm just like them or we are the same you are WRONG! There is no one in the world like me for good or bad. I'm different. And so the fuck are you!

You know that lonely feeling you get. That one that makes you want to connect to someone or a group. That feeling that causes people to join fraternities and sororities. A way to feel less alone and more joined to the people around you. That’s your mind reminding you that you are different. No matter how hard you try to fit in or how many groups you join you will always feel that lonely feeling. You know why? Because it's just you in that head of yours. And until you realize that you better start fucking liking yourself before you will ever stop feeling alone. You will wander from person to person group to group looking for something that isn’t there.

It's ok to be different. And it's ok for them to be different too. You don't have to like them. Hell, you can even hate them. But just leave them, us, and you alone to find ourselves for who we are. You can't stop yourself from judging people at first glance or even trying to group them together. It's human nature. What you can do is give them a chance to show you who they are. We can’t all agree on everything, but we could at least try to not get in each others ways of trying to like ourselves. It works both ways don’t think your anymore special than someone else because your black, white, gay, straight or any of those boxes you check on a government form. All we can do is try to be tolerant and not step on anyone elses toes while trying to be ourselves. Wouldn't you want someone to do the same for you?

Try to be nice to that man siting next to you and if he ends up being an asshole remember that was “that guy” not the next guy that comes along sits down. But if "that guy" does show up again feel free to let him know he's a dick.

1 comment:

  1. Well don't spread his dickitude by telling him he's a dick, he may be spreading the person before his dickitude so it must stop. We mus not become negative even with negative people, change them to positive if anything don't let them change you into negative. But yes I agree acceptance is the key.
