Friday, May 14, 2010

Running Scared

I started jogging in the morning recently. I live in the city so I jog around a small man made lake. My biggest fear is being wrestled off the track and stuffed into a van, raped, murdered and left on the side of the lake to be found by one of my fellow joggers. Not to long ago there was a dead person found in a car next to the lake. This has made my imagination go wild. But it hasn’t stopped me for getting my daily exercise, because that sort of thing happens in this city much too often to. If I let it bother me I wouldn’t ever leave my house.

Yet it still lingers in my mind as I trot around the lake with my head phones on jamming out to some awful dance remix of some crap singer. (I like to run to poppy dance music. It keeps me moving. I think it’s the repetitive beat.) But as I run I keep one eye on the track and the other in my peripheral in case of a side attack. I’m on guard at all times ready to attack that anonymous ski mask wearing rapist, but usually it just another jogger that passes by. And when they do I jump and sometimes I even shriek or yell a little. Scaring both my self and the other jogger.

Ahhh...” I Screaming hysterically. “Shit you just scared the crap out of me.” I try to say through my heavy breaths to the jogger tyring to pass me.

“Sorry” he replies with a strange look on his face.

Oh my god! What was that?” I think to myself. Oh, it was just Brittany Spears heaving breathing during an instrumental break in the song. “♫ Don't you know that you're toxic… huh u huh huh…♫”

Ahhhhh…” I scream again as the next jogger approaches. “Shit I’m going to have a heart attack if this goes on much longer” I think to myself as my heart rate races not just from the physical activity but from my delusions of being attacked.

I start to relize the other joggers must think I’m a lunatic, screaming as if I have turrets every time someone passes me by.

“Don’t you know you shouldn’t run up behind a person?” I yell at them in my head as more joggers manuver to get by me. As if my paranoia is their fault and not my own for insisting to wear earphones while jogging.

At last I come to the end of my run, do my stretches and I think “I better fucking loose weight from this. Other wise it’s not worth the stress. Fuck that health shit this is way to dangerous.” Then light my cigarette and go home.

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