Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Over Texting

Stop over texting!

O.k. I understand you may have an unlimited text plan and think texting is the best form of communication since the invention of cave painting, but I DON’T. I like to hear your voice. Sure you can text me if you are coming over and you want to tell me you’re on your way. Or if you are just thinking about me and wanted to tell me how wonderful I am. But I don’t want to have a conversation like this.

Text 1: Hey what’s up?

Return text: Noth’in :)

Text 2: Want to hang out?

Return text: Yeah sure where you wanna go?

Text 3: I don’t know what about the place on Charles Street?

Fucking call me, for Christ sake! You just cost me 50 fucking cents, to communicate something that would have been free and taken 2 seconds to say.
If you or your friend doesn’t stop this immediately and one of you call the other. This could go on for hours or even days. You will have a pages of text in you phone that say things like,“Yeah”, “Cool”, “ok”, “Yup” , and each one cost the person who doesn't have unlimited text .10 cents.

So is it my fault I don’t want to pay any extra 20 bucks a month for unlimited texting so I can be bombarded with “yeah” and “cool”? I do love all my friends. I Acutally love them so much I want to hear the sarcasm in their voice. You can tell so much more from hearing a person’s voice. Like weather they are pissed off at you, or if they are annoyed by you. If the like you. ;)

Now boys, I know it’s hard, girls can be intimidating. But you know what they like even more than text…. It’s hearing your sexy voice over the phone. So give it a try I bet you will get a lot more attention from them if you call. We don’t mind text, but we love it when you call. Flirting with text is fine but when it gets down to the nitty gritty, your ass better start calling.

Don’t get me wrong texting is awesome. I think it’s great for giving people a heads up on what’s going on or where to meet, an address or a picture of something you think they would like. But not for whole conversations, breaking up with someone, or informing someone of a death.

Text: "Billy just died thats way sad :("

Text: "I can't do this anymore. I think we should just be friends, Sorry"

If you want to chit chat or inform me of a tragedy; PLEASE just call. I would love to hear your voice. ;)

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