Wednesday, July 20, 2011

losing things

I lose most everything, from sunglasses to my car in a parking lot. I contribute this to my brain always thinking of any and everything but the task at hand. And even though I know this it doesn't stop me from doing it time and time again.

Yesterday I ran out of work to go to my night class as usual. I grabbed my book bag and ran out the door. I try to get there early so I can study a bit before class. As I was driving I was on the phone with my boyfriend talking about this and that. Trying my best not to talk or give advice and to only listen. (This can be very difficult for me.) When I arrive at school I sit in my car studying for class and going over the homework. This makes time fly and the next thing I know I have to be in class. Class isn’t long but its enough time for me to get distracted and start thinking about the things I need to do when I get home so I scribble down a to do list in my notebook next to my notes. Class ends and I get caught up in conversation with the other students talking about the exams coming up, but all the time in the back of my mind I’m thinking of my web site and how I really need to fix that home page error. All of a sudden I look down at my side and I realize that I don’t have my pocketbook. A feeling of panic washes over me. I run up to the class room and go to my desk. “It’s not there” the panic worsens and I become more nervous and begin to feel sick. I go to my car and I realize that I didn’t lock the passenger side door when I empted my bag of close I took to the good will. “UGH!! Did I leave my pocketbook on the front seat just inviting someone to steal it?” my sickness increases 10 fold. Then I think, “Did you even bring it with you?” I look back in my mind trying my best to recall my steps earlier that afternoon. Nothing, absolutely nothing, I can’t remember anything but telling every one at work good by and that I was listening to and audio book in one ear though my Iphone. (Adult ADD) “Maybe I left it at work.” so I jump in the car and I dash over to work. “Your keys to get in the building are in your pocketbook, Stupid.” So now my own stupidity has to involve other people. The Phone calls begin. Shop manager first, the message machine picks up. “Hi, it’s me I need to get into the shop tonight could you possible come by and let me in. Call me back when you get this.” I say into the phone. “Oh good I hope it’s in there. I stair trough the locked gate hoping I can recall something like putting it down on my desk or any thing that would give me comfort that It was inside and not in the grips of some identity thief. “How could I do this? How could I forget my pocket book?” Not like this is the first time this has happened. I've managed to leave my pocketbook in restaurants and I’m sure a other places but my memories is obviously poor and I can’t seem to recall the other places. Any way after a few more phone calls I manage to get one of the guys I work with to come over and let me in. I run over to the building and in through the front door. At first glance I can't see anything but then I see my gray bag bunched up in a corner and I fill up with an immense feeling of relief.

This story makes me think that it might be a good idea if I didn't have kids. I could just see myself getting side tracked and leaving them in a store or at the movies and not realizing until I got home. I know my parents did it to me a few times, and look at how wonderful I turned out. I guess it will be ok.

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