Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Lost Fairy Tales

Women and men are lost. When was the last time you have seen a truly happy marriage or one that didn’t end in divorce? Civilization is deteriorating; it’s only a mater of time before men start clubbing women over the head and dragging them back to there cave. Or people start just fucking in the streets like dogs.

Why is this happening? Maybe because children are treated like animals or even worse accessories. Some not treated any better than your average house pet. Food, water, shelter, expected to be enough. No stability, no structure, spoiled with treats and bribes to keep them quiet. Left unattended to teach themselves the ways of the world. Only having their observations of there parents dysfunctional relationships as a guideline.

Society is creating a loveless horde of selfish beings that consume themselves with their own self pity. So focused on “ME” that children are lost to grow up without guides to show them the ways of compassion.

Love has become a story book fairy tale lost in fantasy land never to be recovered. Where are the parents to tell the bedtime stories that have taught us the lessons of life and love?

Little do we realize the thoughts that roam around in those little brains and linger as they grow. Wonders of why and is it ok? Do they love me? Do they like me? Am I just in there way? Even if they do feel love their questions are much the same. “Did they want me? Would they be happier if I wasn’t in the way? This is how they will see themselves and the partners they in counter on the way. As they grow they will continue the cycle with children of their own. Each generation is less human than the one prior. So focused on there own troubles unable to connect with another.

Should the new title of the classic children’s book “Are you my mother?” be changed to “Which one of you is my father?”

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